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Okey Classic

Okey Classic faithfully recreates the traditional Turkish board game Okey, allowing players to enjoy this classic pastime on their digital devices. Okey is typically played with friends and family, and the digital adaptation stays true to the original game's rules and mechanics. Objective: The objective of Okey is to form sets or runs of tiles, much like the card game Rummy. Tile Sets: The game uses a set of tiles, each numbered from 1 to 13, in four different colors, making a total of 104 tiles. Game Setup: At the beginning of the game, players are dealt a set number of tiles. These tiles are drawn and randomly distributed to the players. Melding Tiles: The goal is to form sets of three or four identical tiles in different colors or runs of consecutive numbers in the same color. Joker Tile: In Okey, there is a unique tile known as the "Joker." It can be used as a substitute for any other tile to complete a set or run. Turn Sequence: Players take turns drawing a tile from the pool or the discard pile and then discarding a tile. The game continues clockwise. Ending the Game: The game ends when a player successfully forms all of their tiles into sets and runs and declares victory. Winning: The player who declares victory and successfully melds all their tiles wins the game.

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